Wednesday, April 28, 2010





Baby Shower

Baby shower photos

Baby shower photos

Week 38

Contractions starting

Starting this Saturday I experienced regular mild contractions which went away on Saturday night. THen Monday night I had a round of strong contractions for several hours, and went to triage where I was told I am dilated at 3 cm which is not enough to be admitted. Also, the contraction intensity would die down when I walked or stood up. Now we are waiting for the next round, and hope it comes soon and is the real deal. But you never know with labor, I am learning!
Until next time...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

38 weeks and counting

We are almost there! But if she takes another two weeks, I'll lose my mind, because I am so uncomfortable right now. She has dropped to -2 and I am about 2 cm dialated now. So standing, sitting too long or walking is uncomfortable. I'm having mild contractions throughout the day too now. I'm working part time if at all at work right now using my FMLA. We just got our BOB stroller today-it's so cute!

Luv, Erin and Eric